Friday, December 23, 2022




There’s a pulse in the middle of nowhere

And it calls to me

I can feel it come in ripples 

Suddenly and calming 

I can hear it far off in the distance

And I can feel its light

A strange yet familiar energy

Like I’ve known in other lives

But I can’t seem to see its face

And I’m brought back down to earth

Where I’m told to look in front of me

And everyone around me lives in this reality

Where we’re caught in this net instead of exploring the sea

Instead of soaring the most golden skies

We’ve clipped our own wings

How did we end up here to call our truths crazy only to be fed lies?

Adding sugar to the taste

But I still feel the pulses and I call back to them

A secret conversation 

Anyone would condemn 

But how do you explain a knowing

When there’s nothing concrete?

Call me the black sheep or odd one out 

But I’ve met this angelic entity 

Divinely protected silently out loud

Never alone in this lonely place 

Infinite love and light,


Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved


  Pulse There’s a pulse in the middle of nowhere And it calls to me I can feel it come in ripples  Suddenly and calming  I can hear it far o...