Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Dare to accept a new challenge.  You have so much power and potential, you may not even realize it.  The magnitude of all you can do when you go full force can be shocking when you look back at how far you've come.  The possibilities are endless.  I'm guilty of staying in my comfort zone for too long.  Now I've made promises to myself to lunge forward and propel myself into what feeds my soul.  It can be anything.  Every unique thing about you such as: the things you like, your strengths, weaknesses, passions, dreams, etc. is a star map to your purpose...your destiny.  We may try and force ourselves in this cookie cutter mold of what everyone else is doing, what everyone else expects from us, but the truth is... all that superficial bullshit is only holding us back.  Dare them to underestimate you!  So what if they judge a book by its cover?  That's the biggest mistake anyone can make.  It can work in your favor too.  The smile on your face is worth a lot more than the car you're driving or the purse you're holding or the watch you're wearing.  Symbols of status are nothing more than extra marketing designed to throw us off our course and onto someone else's.  It then becomes their game and we are just pieces being played on a board game meant to reach the end to win.  Their limited version of "winning".  BORING!   Leave the board.  Don't let them tell you you're next move.  Don't let their lack of options limit your choices for your next move.  Because in the end, make sure you used your time and energy wisely by being happy and not worrying about trying to impress other people who are really not worth the energy in the first place.  How condescending when people claim to "feel sorry" for others who are happy being their true selves and not being like everyone else.  Clap back (with grace of course) and show them how the extraordinary are meant to be different.  In the words of Dr. Seuss "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"     
Who says the only direction you can go is left or right, forwards or backwards?  You can go up too!  ...Or diagonal, or down if you like diving.  I'm a firm believer that we can do anything we want if we continue to work hard for it.  Failure is a sign of success because it means you went  for it.  Keep trying and don't give up.  NEVER give up.  Don't let someone tell you you're dreams are too big, or it's unrealistic.  How do they know?  They're either: 1. jealous and want to discourage you because it can be a threat to their self-esteem, 2. projecting their fears and lack of confidence in themselves onto you (still in line with number 1), 3. may have good intentions but they might live in a bubble and may not be knowledgeable of the topic, 4. They had dreams like yours once and it didn't work out for them, or 5. all about numbers, statistics, and playing it safe... sure sometimes the odds may be against us, but those who've dared to strategically and passionately go against the odds are  the ones who win.  There's a reason you're after it... it has your name on it, go for it!
It must suck for those nonbelievers because little do they know many of us have a rebellious nature and they are actually adding fuel to the fire.  I "feel sorry" for them holding themselves back from all the amazing things they could be doing, but instead just wasting potential talent.  Just you wait and see.  Don't give up, don't give in, GIVE IT YOUR ALL and you will WIN! 
If it was easy, everyone would do it.  The comebacks are greater than the setbacks!  Dare to do it and prepare yourself for your next move.   

 Love Always,

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