Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Don't blink, or time might pass you by.  Just look ahead and keep your eyes centered as everything else around you spins.  Did we make the mistake of thinking everything revolved around us?  Are we walking alongside the linear concept of time or does it keep circling around us until we break these hypnotic spells that keep us in these seemingly unbreakable patterns?  If your head is spinning like mine is, you're not alone. 

Who do we see when we look at our reflection?  Do we recognize ourselves?  Are there scars, visible pain, happiness, pride, disappointment?  Look deeper... there is strength.  Strength to do anything.  Are we who we want to be?  Are we who we're meant to be?  Are we where we're meant to be?  Are we close?  Do we care?  Why should we?  Everything is just going to end up how it's supposed to- right?  The scary part is, if we don't live our own lives, we will just be told how to live it... then what are we living for?  A paycheck?  Keeping up an appearance?  A cookie cutter life? Where everyone is in constant competition with each other and never (or have seldom but very brief, superficial moments of...) feeling satisfied.  I don't know about you, but I'm tired of hearing all the complaining and gossip.   

The trick is, to cover your ears and close your eyes.  Don't listen to anyone.  Don't settle because you feel stuck.  Don't let those HYPNOTIC tricks fool you.  Listen to your gut.  Don't watch what everyone else is doing.  Do your own thing.  The world has enough fakers, we need more shakers.  Shake it up and do something different.  We all have different strengths, weaknesses, interpretations of the world around us, and once we let go of expectations we can see how much of a difference we can make.  And how much of a difference it can make for us.   

Now is when past and future are one.  Only NOW we are gifted with being able to take action.  In the past, what's done is done.  In the future, nothing has happened yet.  Now, in the present moment, in the spirit of RESOLUTION making... live in the present.  Stop what you're doing.  Appreciate where you are, no matter where you are.  Remember this moment.  Remember the sights, smells, noises, breeze or anything you can touch and feel.  This is the age of mindfulness.  We can't blame ignorance when we  just need to pay attention.  You were somehow brought to this moment... and NOW, with intent, take it from here...     

The next time we look at our reflections, I hope we see determination in our eyes and a smile knowing we are about to dominate 2018.  Look for hope, look for light, look for passion and put it into action.   

Break free of the HYPNOTIC traps we're constantly thrown into.  As the door to 2017 is closing as fast as our minds are trying to wrap around it, a new door to 2018 is opening with endless possibilities of where you can be taken.  Which door to 2018 do you open?  All these questions we ask ourselves daily... but NOW in these present moments, we can do anything.  This is not for anyone else but YOU.  Do this for you... 
Like the saying goes, "We are destined to become who we decide to be."    

As we kiss 2017 goodbye... let's take 2018 and lead the way!     

Love Always,

Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Roots of Eden

When we're all tangled up in the roots of Eden, is it our fault we take a bite? Or are we supposed to break the chain of what we claim to be circumstantial or born into?  Forbidden fruit does not seem so forbidden when it's become so normalized and even glamorized.  They may even tell you it's ORGANIC and slap a name brand sticker on it.  But beware, sometimes the most enticing fruit can be rotten inside or have worms in it.  Those plastic and ill intended smiles could contain poison.  How do we know which fruit to pick?  

Is it me or are we getting more and more impulsive, have a growing sense of entitlement, losing patience, and needing instant gratification with each passing day?  Everything and everyone is becoming more and more accessible.  We set our expectations high and refuse to settle for anything less.  There's nothing wrong with that, unless you're hyper focused on what you don't have and can't appreciate what you do have. 

I've written this next piece inspired by loud conversations overheard in public, conversations had, cheating exes, tabloids, and just plain old observations that surrounds us every day... that's constantly in our faces (so much so that we as a collective are becoming more and more desensitized).  There's no escape... we choose our path and we deal with the consequences whether we admit it/realize it or not.  We can always paint a pretty picture of our lives across the internet, but we can't escape the real truth.  The deepest secrets we sometimes can't admit to ourselves.   

There's no escaping time
it always catches up
drink the blood and call it wine
fill it to the rim of every cup

look at all those poisoned apples
in every hand and mouth out there
let it drip from your lips to your hands now
every time you take a bite

might as well give in to your instincts
before the ship sails or starts to sink
we think it's clear what we're seein'
when we're all tangled up in
 the roots of Eden

plant the seeds and watch them grow
are they flowers or are they weeds?
is it real or just for show?
only you know what you really mean

the ghosts we see are imaginary
or do they haunt the past we bring?
 same mistakes just a different face
isn't it funny how the taste doesn't change?

Is it better when it's kept a secret?
do you starve it or do you feed it?
does your heart stop beatin'
when we're all tangled up in
the roots of Eden?

with the roots wrapped around you
it’s harder to breathe harder to see
it’s got a hold and won’t let you go
let the poison take control

blame it on circumstance
blame it on a threatened last chance
 is it really now or never?
or  are you just not that clever?

There's no escaping time
it always catches up
drink the blood and call it wine
fill it to the rim of every cup

when we're all tangled up in
the roots of Eden

Love Always,

Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved


  Pulse There’s a pulse in the middle of nowhere And it calls to me I can feel it come in ripples  Suddenly and calming  I can hear it far o...