They say, "Everything happens for a reason". I admit, I've said it too from time to time... but as impatient as I am, I just want to know what the freakin' reason is! They say, "Time heals". Nope. Wrong! Time heals nothing. The only way things heal are the actions we take into healing. I don't know about you, but if you've ever lost a loved one... you just know... time heals NOTHING! And you just get irritated and upset at every well-intended person trying to provide words of comfort when there's really nothing anyone can say. There is no timing to things. When they say, "You should be over it by now," or "That was so long ago; Let it go," or "You should be doing this and that by this age". Well, I've finally reached the age where I can politely snap back a resounding, "No!" Everything is in our OWN timing and if you force it, it may not be right.
If you ask anyone who knows me well, they'll tell you I've always been rebellious. Anytime anyone told me what I "should" be doing, I'd usually do the opposite. I wouldn't need to say anything back, I'd just do what I felt I "should" and the results would more often be beneficial because I followed my intuition even when I was being pulled in other directions. I just think it's strange how people can be so demanding on what others "should" be doing with their own lives. It's like..."Thank you for your input, but no thanks." The truth is, people have an opinion about everything but the choices we make for our lives effects us. Make sure we do things to better ourselves without holding back. Don't let the constraints of what other's expectations are inhibit us from doing the things we SHOULD be doing.
I encourage each and every single one of you to follow your truths, your happiness, your instincts even if it is not what "they say" it should be. Your heart will lead you. Your determination will get you there. Your resilience will help you get through it. We are not all meant to do the same things by the same measurement. There is no comparison or competition between anyone. Swim against the current. Speak through your actions and perpetuate positivity and originality. Don't be afraid to be different. A lot of the time our passions guide us to places we could never imagine we'd be if we never tried. Don't let time pass you by or slow you down. If you need to heal... do what YOU need to do to heal... or at least find ways to find acceptance and to continue on productively and as best as possible. We will all leave a mark in this world... whatever mark we leave, just make sure it was worth it. It's YOUR life. Take it in YOUR hands. Live your TRUTH. Find your LIGHT... and SHINE!
Love Always,
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