Monday, August 28, 2017

Around the Sun

Life is a collection of moments... our interpretation of the world before and after us.  The colors we percieve and how we internalize and externalize the things that happen around us say a lot about who we are.  Of all the milestones we go through in life (good and bad), it is ultimately how we decide to react, to view the world around us, that makes us... well, US.  Regardless of what (one of my many new guilty pleasures) Taylor Swift's new song says, "Look What You Made Me Do," no one can make us do anything.  Our actions are our own.  No matter what happens to us, or things people do that may hurt us intentionally or unintentionally, we have the final say in how we respond should we even decide if it's worth it or not.  Is it worth wasting your time and energy on?  A lot can happen in a year, we grow... in any direction we choose.  We can do what's EXPECTED of us...and settle by doing what everyone else is doing; or we can live our OWN lives by following our passion to discover our PURPOSE.  Do what sets your soul on fire. Take the road less traveled. Embrace that weird side others may not understand, and it may lead you in the right direction. Which direction are you being pulled? Which direction do you want to go? This is your life and your journey around the sun. 

 I have chosen to move upward.  Not sideways, not backwards, not even forwards (well maybe forwards a little)... but mostly UP.  It took little steps... up this steep incline! 
1. I consciously stopped looking down and started looking up.  This includes limiting the time I'm looking down at my phone and started looking more at people and observing their expressions, what people around me are doing, appreciating being where I am, recognizing the smells, breeze, sounds, and things actually going on in front of me and not through some electronic device.  I'm not going to lie though, I still play on my phone when things strike me and I want to capture it in photos or videos, or even write things down in my notes.  Ugh... the struggle!  But I've improved! 
2. The ends of my mouth would turn up as I found myself smiling more and more.  For me, this was surrounding myself with loved ones, people with good intentions, with hearts of gold, people who are genuine, honest, charismatic, goofy, fun-loving, outgoing, spontaneous, considerate, smart, and talented.  Where we all appreciate each other for who we truly are, unconditionally
3. I would gravitate to travel destinations where I would get lost in nature and hike to the tops of mountains, waterfalls, caves, gigantic trees, and 9 days ago I even skydived for the second time. 
4. There are additional things and activities I've found a passion for that I'm not ready to disclose just yet.  But I promise I will keep you posted as things unfold! 

Then there's that infinite sky.  Up above us, consistently... If we just look up, and beyond what we think we see... we realize how small we are.  Yet, here we are, as small as we are... making a difference (good or bad, we choose) in this world.  What kind of impact are we making?  What mark will we leave behind if we don't complete our trip around the sun in the years to come?  For me, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE has always fueled me and inspired me.  I am so fortunate that my parents have always taught me that.  I want to be an example of that... show proof that it exists... so we can influence change in an upward and loving direction.    

Around the Sun
there's a place, that calls your name
it knows who you are
you're written in the stars
and you may not believe it
but this whole world is ours
there's a part that remains
after everything's changed
transforms your heart with each passing day
and it's the only thing you've sewn
in the tapestry of things you can own
leaving just a trace of your face, forever
follow the rays that bathe your skin
let it lead you and again, begin
 take a trip around the sun
be open to what's here and yet to come
let it lead you with an open heart
no need to force it, it's already in the stars
Love Always,
Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Next Hundred Years

In light (or the absence of light) of today's solar eclipse and new moon, inspiration found me.  I wasn't looking for it.  I had my day moderately planned out.  Adulting at it's finest.  I even ambitiously planned to come home and do 3 loads of laundry. I know, FUN.  It was in the middle of a phone call that I felt the urge to hang up and play on my piano for a bit.  Stopped and just started writing in my journal.  I know, FUN. But I started thinking of all the strange things that caught my attention today.  Things I would've ignored but somehow I couldn't stop thinking about.  Is it a coincidence that there is a solar eclipse and new moon today... Monday, where its name originated from moon-day, or the Spanish version Lunes- where its name came from the Latin word Luna, meaning moon? The last solar eclipse was on February 26, 1979... which was also on Moon-day. However, the total solar eclipse before that was on September 21, 1941...Sunday, where you can imagine the origin of that name.  So on this Moon-day, feathers would land at my feet.  This happened three separate times to be exact while I was walking my dogs.  I've heard that these could be considered messages from angels, but I tried to ignore it... as always... and chalk it up to me wanting to see something that may not be.  Just as I knelt down to pick up the third feather, I look up and see my dog... unusually calm as can be (if you know my dog, you'd know this was strange).  She had a white butterfly fly around her head and in front of her face and nearly land on her nose. She didn't even react (AGAIN, this is rare... she eats flies in mid-air like Mr. Miyagi catches them with chop sticks). I've also been seeing a repetition of numbers everywhere.  I don't know if that means anything or not, but I haven't yet explored it.

As soon as my pen hit the paper, it was as though the poem was writing itself.  It is very personal to me.  I think about living each day with purpose.  I spend time with loved ones.  I've made room for MORE loved ones.  I set my sights farther and higher than ever before.  I smile more and find that my cheeks hurt and I can barely see 'cause I'm squinting from smiling so hard.  I think I even have a different laugh at times... this uncontrollable ugly laugh.  I'm embracing my imperfections with the unconditional love and support I've been so fortunate and grateful to be surrounded by.  It makes me realize how short life is and to cherish every moment... and how I envision setting up the Next Hundred Years.


         The Next Hundred Years
In the blink of an eye, life passes us by
every day may seem the same
day in and day out, like there's nothing else
but the ashes from a dying flame
plant the seeds of a new day
and one day light will break through the clouds
like thunder without a sound
will shake the ground, fight though your fears
there's no time, only now
what's your story for the next hundred years?
the stars may align, the eclipse may be a sign
and the phases of the moon with all we pursue
gift us the pleasures of all of earth's treasures
will still never be enough for me or for you
if this is true? what would you do?
and one day light will break through the clouds
like thunder without a sound
will shake the ground, fight through your fears
there's no time, only now
what's your story for the next hundred years?
the smallest light can fight the dark
with just a spark, ignite the heart
fill the missing parts
and turn your fears into art
what's your story for the next hundred years?

Love Always,

Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved

Friday, August 18, 2017

Awkward Introductions 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hey there and welcome to my blog! I'm new to this and really just wanted to have a safe space to put my not so secret journal entries and poetry. I hope it brings some kind of inspiration, positivity, light for those going through tough times, and encouragement to vent about those hard to talk about topics. Lately, I've drawn a lot of inspiration from losing my mother/best friend to cancer over a year ago and the people who've supported me through this. Life is precious. Life is short, yet meaningful.  There's a strength we have that allows us to do the unimaginable... The meaning of life is to give it meaning.  So this is me, finding ways to give it meaning 🙏🏼 💛🎀 

Love Always,


  Pulse There’s a pulse in the middle of nowhere And it calls to me I can feel it come in ripples  Suddenly and calming  I can hear it far o...